Welcome to the e-alkitab
electronic Bible!
[Klik di sini untuk membaca Kata Pengantar dalam bahasa Indonesia.]
For optimal performance, download the latest supporting software
Copyright issues and contacting us
This e-alkitab website will expand to become a collection of electronic Bibles in a variety of languages. These e-alkitab Bibles are in a number of local languages. Indonesian is the user interface language for Bibles that come from regions where that is spoken. As we add languages from areas with other national languages, we plan to extend it to have a user interface in those other languages as well.
We expect that speakers of the Kupang language using this site will also be comfortable with the Indonesian interface. So this introduction is mainly for the many English-speaking friends who have an interest in this work for one reason or another, or for anyone else who comes across the site and wants to understand it.
e-alkitab is designed to work in any standard web browser that is included with most computers. We find it works best with later versions of Mozilla Firefox.
The goal of this site is to make the Christian Scriptures in minority languages even more accessible, available, and useable than just in print form alone. There are many ways to navigate around a Bible on this site. The index you see on the left (yellow) pane provides a number of ways to find a passage.
Find a language
Basic navigation within each language:
Some church workers in Timor are familiar with the idea of a Bible concordance, but have never had access to one, nor been able to afford one. The e-alkitab makes this useful ministry tool accessible to everyone.
All the features described above enable any speaker of the language who has access to this internet version or the stand-alone CD version to have a turbo-charged Bible study tool that they have never before had access to. In addition, the user can:
Speakers of the languages around Timor have increasing access to computers and to the web, particularly young people. This makes the e-alkitab scriptures attractive to high school and university students, partly because of the “wow!” factor. But the church workers and seminary students who have seen it are also keen to get it and use it. One minister, with a grin on his face said, “You're going to have to fight me to get this back!” A slightly worried minister said “If our congregation has access to something like this, then we'll need to do a much more careful job on our sermon preparation.” But he said it with a smile as he walked off with his own CD copy.
For optimal performance, download the latest software
The site is optimized for browsing with Firefox, which you can download here. e-alkitab looks best if you install the Gentium and Andika fonts, which you can download by following those links (and then put the files in your Fonts directory, usually C:\Windows\Fonts). We chose to optimize for Firefox in anticipation of using this technology with languages which require special minority-language fonts, since there are versions of Firefox that support Graphite, SIL's smart font technology, which is required for some non-Roman alphabets.
NOTE: e-alkitab uses simple “scripts” (computer codes) to highlight words and run other computer commands to function well. This program does not use “ActiveX controls” and also does not interfere with other files on your computer.
Copyright issues and contacting us
Each of the translations on e-alkitab.org is copyrighted, and used by permission of the copyright holder. The copyright is protected by international law. The copyright notice for each translation is to be found on the introductory screen for each book, and as a watermark in the background of the scripture text. The copyright notice is not to prevent any legitimate use and copying, but to guard against anyone modifying it or otherwise misusing it. Permission is given to use and copy up to a whole chapter of the electronic Bible materials provided that:
· the text of scripture is not changed
· the material is not used for profit
· the source is cited in writing (e-alkitab.org)
· the copyright notice is included (e.g. for the Kupang scriptures “Copyright ©2007 UBB-GMIT”).
For those wishing to use more than a chapter at a time, written permission can be obtained from UBB-GMIT, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan, Kota Baru, Kupang, NTT 85228, Indonesia or email us at ubb-gmit@kastanet.org. For non-UBB scriptures, requests can be sent to the same email address and will be forwarded to the appropriate copyright holder.
The churches and all involved in the translations included here are deeply grateful for the help of all the individuals and partner organisations who made the translations and e-alkitab project possible through their prayers, skills, and financial contributions. There are continuing Bible translation projects in many other languages in the region, and there are a number of requests to begin additional translation projects. A number of international Bible agencies are all cooperating in these efforts. The Seed Company and Wycliffe Bible Translators (both WBTUS and WBT Australia) have both played key partnership roles in the translation of these scriptures and the development of the e-alkitab website.
If you would like to help with this work or receive news about it to aid in prayer please send an e-mail in English or Indonesian to ubb-gmit@kastanet.org.